Someone once said, “life insurance is the greatest love letter you can write.” Let us help you write that letter. Many of us would like to believe we’ll live forever, but we all know that’s just not the case. And when our time comes, what will happen to those we leave behind? Funeral expenses can be in the thousands, and any debts we owe will need to be settled.
If you’re the primary breadwinner, how will your family cope with the loss of your income? How will they make the house payment and pay monthly bills? If you have children, will they be able to go to college? A Life Insurance policy can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family will be cared for when the inevitable happens.
There are two main types of life insurance policies: Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance. A Term Life policy lasts for a set term, or number of years, before it expires. During the term, the policy remains in effect as long as the premiums are paid. When it does expire, the policyholder may be able to renew it for another term, convert it to another type of policy or let it expire. Term Life policies are typically the least expensive type of Life Insurance.
A Whole Life policy and a Universal Life policy, on the other hand, provide coverage for the life of the policyholder as long as premiums are paid. In addition, a Whole Life policy includes a savings component, or cash value, which the policyholder may withdraw or borrow against. There are other types of Life Insurance policies that have evolved over time to give us more choices. Let us educate you and your family on what is available to fit your needs and budget.
The Insurance Pros at Cell Brokerage specialize in providing affordable and customized insurance options and superior service to our clients. We partner with a variety of insurance providers, so you are presented with options that fit your needs (and budget).
Our Insurance Pros work with you to:
- Understand the types of coverage you need
- Match you with a reputable insurance provider
- Identify how much and what type of coverage you want/need
- Bundle your plan with other types of coverage to maximize your savings

At Cell Brokerage, our clients are people, not policies.