Since 2009, through our own captive, we have been investing in proprietary insurance products designed to disrupt the big box model. As a well-capitalized enterprise, we have underwritten an exclusive and dynamic admin platform designed to administer unique policy creation, user interface as well as policy and claims management. This platform allows us to think outside the big box and create program business unique in the industry.
Supporting our proprietary insurance products is our own claims adjudication company as well as a fully staffed and IT enabled call center.
What does this mean for our clients? It means we have the ability to identify and manufacture insurance and limited warranty programs to fulfill untapped needs and niches in the risk management and insurance space.
Who benefits from this model? Working with an organization that has the technical and industry knowledge to manufacture, distribute and manage program business through a captive helps to avoid volatile pricing and, at the same time, meet specific needs of an organization. With our captive, we can insure the risks of a group of niche clients. This form of risk management means companies can protect themselves financially while having more control over how they are insured.

If we look different, it is because we are different. We are trailblazers. We believe in brains before bureaucracy. As an idea company, our mission is to disrupt the big box model by tearing down old-school insurance paradigms.